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Hello and Welcome,


My name is Raven Sage.
Some call me a healer, shaman, sage, mystic or Seidman.
Drawing my roots from Ireland, Scotland, England and the German Alps, I’ve been blessed with the inherit gifts of seeing and interacting with the unseen world and being fortunate enough to comprehend the many ancient lives I’ve lived.
Allowing myself the ability to retain all the amazing growth and knowledge I have achieved each time, drawing it all forward into this lifetime to assist humanity.
Using Ancient Shamanic techniques we heal the self as deeply as your spirit permits. I offer a range of Spiritual Services including Cleansing, Soul Healing, Sound Healing, Mentorship, Workshops and much more.
Let me help you step into the world of Shamanic Healing, heal from the past and step into a brighter, lighter version of yourself.

Raven Sage Healing’s Variety of Sessions and Services will have You engaging in activities such as but not limited to;


Shamanic Smudge/Rattle Cleansing 
Conscious Breathing Exercises

Timeline Therapy
Chakra System Overhaul
Shamanic Inner-Self Journeys

Trauma and Karma Release

Remove Contracts and Entities
Claim Soul Sovereignty
Subconscious Reprogramming

Cleansing Crystal Energy

Thought Therapy

Ancestral Connections Journeys

Rune Readings

Shamanic Drum Medicine

Intuitive Readings

Soul Splinter Retrieval Journeys

Shamanic Land Clearings

Healing Amulets and Talismans

And much more…!

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